PSK reporter
The PSK Automatic Propagation Reporter automatically gathers reception records of PSK activity.
The PSK Automatic Propagation Reporter automatically gathers reception records of PSK activity.
Radio waves have three characteristics that can be changed, Amplitude, Frequency and Phase. A mode is the way of changing electromagnetic waves.
By modulating waves, transmission of information is possible.
From there's a very brief but complete description of:
WSPR (pronounced "whisper") stands for "Weak Signal Propagation Reporter".
WSPR implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions. Transmissions carry a station's callsign, grid locator, and transmitter power in dBm. The program can decode signals with S/N as low as -28 dB in a 2500 Hz bandwidth.
The WSPR protocol compresses the information in the message into 50 binary digits.
WSPR characteristics:
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