WSJT-X is a computer program which implements communication protocols or "modes" called FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144, and WSPR, as well as one called Echo for detecting and measuring your own radio signals reflected from the Moon.  These modes were all designed for making reliable, confirmed QSOs under extreme weak-signal conditions.

WSJT-X can receive and decode WSPR signals and upload the results to
And it can transmit your WSPR signal.


Radio settings

WSJT-X Radio settings

Audio settings

WSJT-X Audio settings

RX results

After 15 minutes of experimenting with the program this are the receive results. Not bad...

WJST-X Rx results for 40m on
WJST-X Rx results for 40m on
WSJT-X Rx results for 40m
WSJT-X Rx results for 40m in 15 minutes

TX results

After one TX cycle with 5W (the minimum power of FT-991A) this is the result. Antenna 80m inverted V wire (Fan) dipole.

WSPR 40m 5W 1 TX cycle

RX/TX Cycle

WSJT-X allows RX-only, TX-only and RX/TX mixed. Default is a 20% TX percentage. In the picture below the result of mixed RX/TX mode. Click in the map on a station and it shows whether it received your signal or is received by you or both. Nice feature.



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