Fan Dipole V2 measurements order 10/80/15/40/6/20m

This is the second version of the fan dipole.

Order of dipole wires top down

Most Fan Dipoles have a low to high band wire order (top-down). This might be the best solution, but I experimented changing the order. Putting higher frequencies between lower frequencies.

In this second version the 6m and 10m wires are swapped. So the order is now:

  1. 10m
  2. 80m (wire to short, compensated with 80uH coil in one leg)
  3. 15m
  4. 40m
  5. 6m
  6. 20m

Fan Dipole 80-6m wire order V2

Measurement overview

Fan Dipole analyser overview



Fan Dipole 80m-6m V2 80m SWRFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 80m SmithFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 80m ZFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 80m Data

Remarks 80m

  • unsuspected low impedance (maybe due to BU-55 3MHz lower limit)


Fan Dipole 80m-6m V2 40m SWRFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 40m SmithFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 40m ZFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 40m Data


Fan Dipole 80m-6m V2 20m SWRFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 20m SmithFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 20m ZFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 20m Data


Fan Dipole 80m-6m V2 15m SWRFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 15m SmithFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 15m ZFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 15m Data


Fan Dipole 80m-6m V2 10m SWRFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 10m SmithFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 10m ZFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 10m Data


Fan Dipole 80m-6m V2 6m SWRFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 6m SmithFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 6m ZFan Dipole 80m-6m V2 6m Data

Editors remark

File names: Fan Dipole 80m-6m V2 xxm [SWR|Z|Smith|Data]
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